This Blog lives again!

During the last year this blog (and podcast) was put on hold to deal with the acquisition of NT Objectives by Rapid7. I was highly occupied with the effort of the acquisition itself, then the effort to merge and integrate our team and products into Rapid7. I am still very busy, but I have been dying to get back to blogging and podcasting, so I have been working out some time on my schedule to do just that!

Keep your eyes and ear tuned to this site as many new blog posts and podcasts will be heading your way!

Incase you noticed the missing content… Some of the content from this blog was moved over to our space on the Rapid7 Blog and some of the old NTO specific content has been removed altogether.

About Dan Kuykendall 3134 Articles
Connect with Dan on Google+


  1. Really learnt few things from this blog, Nice to see coming back again, please have more articles on testing web services . Good luck, Thanks,Aj

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