Man vs WebApp Podcast – Episode 01 – Welcome To The Show

Welcome to the Man vs WebApp Podcast!

In this intro episode we do introductions and give a preview of the topics to come.

The Man vs WebApp Podcast is not another “newscast” covering the latest topics in the industry. Instead, in each episode we will focus on a specific Application Security topic and dig into the details with enough description to educate those newer to AppSec, but then we will go deep enough to add new ideas for AppSec pros.

About Dan Kuykendall 3134 Articles
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1 Comment

  1. Linter – you’re thinking of a linter… code correctness tool…

    the competitor to Metasploit is Core Impact…

    I’ve been doing this for over about 8 years now… before that, 20 years in software development :-)

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