Survivng the Week 7/20/2012

Black Hat 2012 Coverage

Dark Reading put together a list of interesting talks to headline at Black Hat this year.  Check out their preview links. Some great talks are on the way, if you’re going, don’t forget that it stays in Vegas.

Black Hat Forecast

HTML5 Security (One of our team members Shreeraj Shah will be presenting). A presentation you won’t want to miss.

KPMG Cyber Vulnerability Index 2012

With so many cyber attacks in the news recently, executives are becoming increasingly concerned about their organization’s threat exposure. In the last three quarters, many of the Forbes 2000 companies had been compromised and lost data. A recent survey by KPMG has some revealing findings on attack numbers. Attacks are ever increasing.  Are your organizations applications secure? Test them with NTOSpider.

SAFECode Agile Dev Security Guideline

The Software Assurance Forum for Excellence in Code (SAFECode) is a non-profit organization. SAFECode released “Practical Security Stories and Security Tasks for Agile Development Environments.” This new paper provides practical software security guidance to Agile practitioners –

About Dan Kuykendall 3134 Articles
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