Surviving the Week 11/9/12, NBC and Coca Cola hacked this week

Couple of Major hacks this week – NBC and Coca Cola

A number of NBC sites were hacked this week. There is no official news on what attacks has been used. Test your application with NTOSpider to find possible vulnerabilities to avoid downtime –
NBC Hack –
Coca Cola Hack –

Barnes & Noble Customers File Lawsuits After Breach

Another instance of lawsuits after hacking incident. Victims of a PIN pad tampering incident, which compromised customer information at dozens of Barnes & Noble stores, have filed three class-action lawsuits against the nation’s largest book retailer.

Experts Find DOM XSS Flaw in “+1” Button of Google Plus

Security researchers from Minded Security have identified a DOM-based cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the +1 button of the Google Plus social network. Test your application with NTOSpider to find possible security vulnerabilities.

Singaporeans Get Hard Token Baked Into Credit Card

Standard Chartered Bank’s local outfit teamed with MasterCard to offer account-holders a credit card that is also a one-time-password-generating hard token. MasterCard calls the device a ‘Display Card’ and says it includes “an embedded LCD display and touch-sensitive buttons”.

About Dan Kuykendall 3134 Articles
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