Introducing Man Vs WebApp


I’m Dan Kuykendall and I’m going to show you what it takes to hack into some of the most dangerous places on the web.

I’ve got to make it through a weak set of defenses in the sort of places you would think would have the right survival skills.

This week I’m in the dense objects of AMF, one of the least understood parts of the web. Its an environment full of hidden dangers. The decoders are unforgiving. Even the applets can push you to the limit. And every step forward, you can take two steps back.

As I prepare to re-launch my Podcast I am doing so with a new name and new concept. I will cover the news and random web app sec that comes up, but mostly will focus on the actual how to’s for attacking and defending in as many shows as possible.
The show and this Blog will be renamed to “Man Vs WebApp”, and should take another week or so to get the migration completed and for me to start posting shows. All the existing content should stay in place. I appreciate your patient as the site goes through the changes and there may be some odd behavior/broken_pages for a few days.

About Dan Kuykendall 3134 Articles
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